Lofoten Stage Run // 100 km Adventure Run Race Manual


In the unique surroundings of the Lofoten Islands we are offering you the opportunity to do an amazing run in the never-ending light of the midnights sun!

This Race Manual is for LOFOTEN STAGE RUN 100 KM from Kirkefjorden to Svolvær.

This is a Stage race where the organizers will do ALL SUPPORT. We would like anyone to be able to come to Lofoten and do an amazing trail run without having to get his or her own support crew and support car. You save money and work and we all save the environment.

Before you register for The Arctic Triple // Lofoten Stage Run you MUST read the Race Manual thoroughly.  It is crucial that you are aware of what the race will require both for preparations and throughout the race. Be prepared.

Welcome to a mind moving experience with The Arctic Triple // Lofoten Stage Run!


The Arctic Triple event series has a strong focus on the environment. We want to do everything we can to make the most environmentally friendly races in the world – and having hundreds of support cars on the roads does not sound right. That way the roads are less crowded and safer for the athletes and crew.

The route for Lofoten Ultra-Trail WILL BE MARKED to make the experience safer and better for the athletes. We also actively try not to produce any unnecessary items that most likely will end up as trash or in the back of a closet.

We are lucky to be able to do an ultra-trail in the amazing and wild nature of the Lofoten islands, and for this to continue we need to take care. It is under no circumstances allowed to throw any trash along the different parts of Lofoten Ultra-Trail. There will be trash buckets on the service points – throw trash there and nowhere else.

Note! If athletes are seen throwing trash on the track this may lead to penalties or even disqualification.

Leave nothing but a “Thank you” behind.


Here’s the main info!

  • The race entry fee includes all support needed for the race – food and accomodation (1 night pre and post race).

  • Technical data: 100 KM, about 4000+ meters of positive ascent

  • Age limit 18 years

  • Basecamps in Reine, Nusfjord, Leknes, Rolfsfjorden and Svolvær.

  • Mandatory equipment for all participants to be packed in backpack for the race.

  • Luggage transport from basecamp to basecamp is provided. Pack and mark your gear well.

  • Cut off time/Max time:  Stage 1//8hours, Stage 2//8hours, Stage 3//10hours, Stage 4//10hours

  • 1-2 Service point per Stage

  • The route is marked from start to finish.

  • The finish line is at the town square in Svolvær

  • A finisher shirt will be awarded all runners that complete the race.

  • Please check www.thearctictriple.com for updated info. We also recommended you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


The entry fee includes full support:
Accomodation 5 nights
Luggage transport from basecamp to basecamp
All meals
Start kit
The Arctic Triple buff
Service stations
First Aid
Evacuation transport
Warm dinner every night
Boat ride to the starting line
Finisher shirt


The entry fee is non-refundable, no matter the cause of your cancellation.
Athletes will be allowed to sell (re-register) their slot until one week of race day.

Buying and selling slots will be handled in the booking system.

For your information, Norwegian law states: “It is illegal to sell tickets for a cultural and sporting events at a higher price than the price shown on the ticket by the organizer, or as a ticket first was sold for.” (LOV-2007-06-29-86).


Mandatory equipment for all participants to be packed in backpack or worn on body for the race:
Identification (driver’s license or credit card)
Wind and water repellent jacket
Wind and water repellent pants
Underwear (upper and lower)
Hat and gloves
Emergency blanket/shelter
Credit card or cash
GPS (clocks are approved) with sufficient capacity
Fully charged cell phone + extra batteries/power bank
Basic first aid kit (tape, bandage/compress, blister tape, safety-pin)
Advised/recommended equipment:
Telescopic sticks /trekking poles (you must keep them throughout the whole of the race), change of clothing, compass, knife, string, sun cream, Vaseline or anti-chaffing cream, needle and thread…


This is a stage race where the organizers will do ALL SUPPORT.

We would like anyone to be able to come to Lofoten and do an amazing ultra-trail without having to get your own support crew and support car. You save money and work and we all save the environment and improve the safety of the race.

Note! Receiving support from anyone else but the The Arctic Triple Crew may lead to time penalties and/or disqualification.


Stage 1:           20 km Fredvang
Stage 2:           26(46) km Napp
Stage 3:          19(87) km Torvdalshalsen
Stage 4:          14(113) km Kongsmarka

Note! All positions for service points/check points have an approximate kilometer distance from the starting point.


Drink – unlimited water and sports drink (mix in drink system). Hot drinks – coffee and tea – will be available from Service Point 2 at Fredvang.
Food – The Arctic Triple bun, chips, nuts and fruit.

Warm blankets available on all service points.
Medical equipment – basic kit.

Note! You may refill water from natural water sources along the track.

Note! All mandatory equipment must be in your backpack from start to finish.


Maximum time for the stages:
Stage 1: 8 hours
Stage 2: 8 hours
Stage 3: 10 hours
Stage 4: 10 hours


This race has everything. Mountains. Beaches. Villages. Farms. Peaks. Iconic bridges. 100% Lofoten!


KEYNOTES: 3 mountain passes, some road running, beaches and historic coastal trails.
The starting line is in Kirkefjorden in the bottom of Reinefjorden. To get there all participants will be transported by boat from Reine. The boat ride takes about 20 minutes and it is a scenic experience! The first 20 km are terrain and maybe the most demanding part of the entire route with several mountains to pass. The trail is technically demanding and there is only a few km on gravel road from Selfjord till you take off towards Kvalvika. The trails will take you past two beaches in Kvalvika and you will run on the actual beach before the next mountain passing towards Fredvang.  Service station located at Fredvang.

ACCOMODATION: Stay in a wonderful rorbu Nusfjord Arctic Resort, one of the most scenic fishermans villages in Norway.


KEYNOTES:  1 mountain pass. Techical and scenic coastal trails to Napp. Underwater tunnel and terrain leg around the mountain Offersøykammen.
DESCRIPTION: The route from Napp goes through an underwater tunnel (1780 m) before you make a sharp turn to the right after the exit to get on the trail around Offersøy.

The trail around Offersøy is very nice and easy to begin with. When you pass the cave from the stone age after about 2 km on the trail, the condition of the trail changes to more technically. There hardly is a trail. In this middle section follow the rocky coastline. The last kilometers of the trail around Offersøy is flat. The last kilometers to Leknes is on tarmac.

ACCOMODATION: Stay at Lofoten Rorbuutleie.


KEYNOTES: Starting with a beautiful trail, a few km road running, scenic mountain trail running and a couple of km gravel road in the end.
From Rolvsfjorden you hit the trails accross the first mountain and into the valley on the other side. Thereon it’s a flat run towards the service- and checkpoint at Borgfjorden.

From Borgfjorden you will follow new trails accross the mountain. After some great trail running you will cross a nice ridge before you get on a gravel road for the last couple of km before you reach Rolvsfjorden.

ACCOMODATION: Stay in cosy cabins at the scenic fjord camp Brustranda Sjøcamping.


KEYNOTES: The final mountain passes are ahead of you, enjoy them!
DESCRIPTION: Start at Kleppstad. After a little trail section the route follows the main road for about 1,5 km before you hit gravel road towards Olderfjorden S. You will now enter a hard and tecnical mountain section above Jordtind, Nonstind and Spisstind. After the ridge you’ll descend to lake Vestre Nøkkvatnet, before you pass behind the ridge of the mountain Dronningtinden, and the decent towards a power station.

You will continue along a gravel road until you turn at the end of the lake towards the final mountain – Tjeldbergtinden. The route passes over the mountain and take you down to a gravel road on the other side. Follow the road down to the main road and start on the final kilometers towards the town square of Svolvær.

When you run through the tunnel continue straight till you hit the harbor, make a right turn and follow the quay towards the finish line. And you’re done.. Congratulations!

ACCOMODATION: Stay next to the finish line in the comfortable Thon Hotel Lofoten with their award winning breakfast which will be a great treat for a sore body the next day.



Rules are set to a minimum. We trust that you will use common sense and take action if you see that other participants need emergency assistance. The most important rule of all is that you must read the entire race manual thoroughly – there is nothing in here that you can afford to miss.

This is a stage race where the organizers will do ALL SUPPORT. Receiving support from anyone else but the The Arctic Triple Crew may lead to time penalties and/or disqualification.


All athletes must be over 18 years of age.


A day license/insurance can be purchased at registration for Lofoten Stage Run. This is an option if you do not have. Foreign athletes can have licenses from their own country or sign a release of liability form upon registration.
Note all athletes are required to have a license/insurance in order to start.


Two classes – men and women. Simple. We like simple.


All athletes must have the mandatory equipment in their backpack for the race. There will be random checks and any missing or substandard equipment may lead to disqualification.


The route will be marked. But we recommend reading and studying the route. Download the Navigation Map here.


Route with waypoints for the GPS must be downloaded on our website and installed on your GPS device before you start the race. GPS clocks are accepted. The route must be followed at all times. No short cuts will be accepted.


The time chip must be worn during the whole race. If the chip is lost it is the athletes responsibility to contact The Arctic Triple Crew to get a new chip. There is a 50 Euro fee for losing the time chip.

Note! The time chip must be worn on your right leg pointing outwards.


The GPS tracker must be worn during the whole race. The tracker is an important safety device for the organizers, but also fun for both supporters and the audience in general to follow the athletes online during the race. Please note the organizer as soon as possible if the tracker is lost.

Note! If the GPS tracker is lost during the race or not handed back to the organizer within Sunday, a 400 Euro fee will be issued to the participant.


Penalties or disqualification may be given for violations of rules, unsportsmanlike behavior, or if participants intentionally expose themselves or other participants to unnecessary risk. Penalties from organizers and officials can be additional race time or disqualification.


All athletes will sign the document «Release from Liability» when registering for Lofoten Stage Run.


Climate in Lofoten

Due to the temperate waters of the Gulf Stream, Lofoten has a much milder climate than other parts of the world at the same latitude, such as Alaska and Greenland. The coastal climate in Lofoten makes the winters mild and the summers relatively cool. July and August are warmest with an average temperature of 12°C. Normal day temperatures in June vary from 12-18°C.

Note! The weather in Lofoten can be extremely changeable all year. Even though, good,

warm weather is the forecast, wet and brisk intervals may occur. Be prepared!


The Arctic Triple has a strong focus on safety. The safety crew will be very well prepared for their mission and in close cooperation with local rescue teams.


If you withdraw from the race at any point, it is mandatory to inform the organizers. Please note that resources are limited so that transport back to Svolvær might take a while. We’ll make sure you are kept safe and warm during the wait, but please be patient while waiting for transport.


Please find information about travel and stay here.


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